Friday, January 1, 2010

My Favorite Memories of 2009

After my friend Courtney was "inspired" by one of my posts for her own version, I became "inspired" by one of hers for this one. 

Here are some of my favorite memories from 2009 recapped via photos:

In December 2008, I was able to finish a great Crafternoon project that ushered in the New Year right, and so that I could display my Christmas cards that I received for the Holidays.

In January 2009, I had my first post residency interview in Falmouth, MA, on the Cape!

The Cincinnati Snuggie Bar Crawl debuted in March of 2009, through Mt. Adams.  Of course the Medicine Man knew how to doctor up his new snuggie.

The Norwood Community Garden was in initially founded and planted in May!

Residency Graduation at the end of June!!!!  Also my first hard thoughts about again entering into another LDR.

July was a month of Farewells.  Farewell Norwood.  Farewell Wildfell Hall.  Farewell Neighbors.  Farewell Great Friends.  Farewell Burgers!  And also a month of Hellos.  Hello St. Theodore. Hello Seattle Children's Hospital!

The month of August, I spent exploring Seattle and getting to know Green Lake, as I started my new job.

September, I went on my first trip to CA for Tim Chan wedding and caught up with old high school friends!

Who has a second going away party from Cincinnati, after not living there for 5 months?  I do!

Here's a new year, where may the best of 2009 be the worst of 2010!

Thanks for reading,

Dr. Alex


Unknown said...

I loved the circular inspirations of posts :-)

I love the Snuggie bar crawl idea! I got one for Christmas this year and want to do this!!!

Happy New Year, Alex. I feel you are my kindred spirit and wish you the best in 2010.

Dr. Alex said...

Happy New Year to you Courtney!

I hope you're able to make your Snuggie bar crawl a success! I'm hoping to have a Seattle version up and planned for February!

We are kindred spirits, spaced a few hundred miles apart. :-)

Manish Batra said...
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