Saturday, May 30, 2009

NYP Community Garden

Saturday, May 30th marked the launch to the Norwood Community Gardens at Linden Pointeon the Lateral.  I first heard of this idea from one of my favorite Norwood Blogs.  

Luckily the NYP was already on top of it and has secured us a plot - 12 W!  

This morning's planting and launch celebration started off with the usual invited guest speakers, the Mayor of Norwood and other local politicians, and a Neyer representative for donating the plot.  

12 W started off as a pile of dirt, but was soon transformed into a real garden.

The original planters - "Dr." Alex, Stacey, and "Norwood Adjacent" Nick

Our neighbor - His plot really loves compost!

More plots!

Our plot, completed!

Stacey was adamant about wanting to preserve all the tomato plants and make sure they all had a home - either in our garden or in one of the other gardens - despite ours not having enough trellises.

"Norwood Adjacent" Nick choose the stocky, thick carrot variety over the long and slender ones.

"Dr." Alex choose both red and orange peppers to add color to the garden.  

For those who are interested in sharing the in the NYP Community Garden experience, I've put together a very "detailed" map showing you just where plot 12 W is located at.:

Located in the Southern and Western most corner is the NYP Community Garden.

The veggies of our labor are open to all who want to help grown and tend to the soil of the plot. If you're free one evening, come and walk down to check out the NYP Community Garden and remember to give show a little love and attention.  

Thanks for reading,



CraZy dAiSiEs said...

Hope the Marigolds keep those dangerous Bees away from our Veggies!!! Milk is no good for the garden : )

Dr. Alex said...

Thanks CraZy dAiSiEs! The Marigolds (and Rosemary) were donated by nice a family who have a near by plot. I ran into them on a second watering expedition on Planting Day 1.

Anonymous said...

Nice map!

I can't wait to see how it all turns out.
